• Every day at Stonehurst Hills Elementary School, we begin our day as a community of
    learners with the Pledge of Allegiance and the School Standards of Behavior.~ This is a
    reminder for all of our teachers, staff and students to work together, in a safe, nurturing
    learning environment that is supported through our PBIS system. Stonehurst Hills
    students have opportunities every day to earn Royals Cash for following the 3 Bs: Be
    Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful in all areas throughout the building and on school
    grounds.~ These wonderful role models are entitled to use their Royals Cash to
    purchase items from our school store. In addition to our Royals Cash, students have the
    opportunity to earn a ticket to Rewards Week!!! Each month our PBIS team analyzes
    school-wide data and identifies behavioral traits the school needs to focus on to create a
    safer learning environment for our students. Students are then provided targeted weekly
    lessons to provide additional support to our students. This year, we implemented
    Rewards Week as a schoolwide incentive. Students received a letter at the conclusion
    of each school day for exhibiting a targeted behavior. Once the had the phrase
    REWARDS WEEK!!! spelled out, they earn a ticket to participate in a special event.
    Events have included dodgeball tournaments, basketball games, arts & crafts, bingo,
    and soccer!
    Equally important Stonehurst Hills was recognized for its excellence in implementing
    PBIS last year. The next time you come to school keep your eyes peeled for our PBIS
    bulletin board that displays pictures of our Stonehurst Super Stars participating in Pop-
    Up Parties and Rewards Week for exemplifying excellent school-wide behavior!
    Remember to come out and support our students and staff at the monthly Student
    Recognition Ceremony on the final Wednesday of each month.~ We appreciate all you
    do for our students and we would love to have you join us in this celebration, the
    students are always so proud of themselves.
    Thank you for your support!
    Miss. Young
    4th Grade Teacher and PBIS Coach