• Each year Aronimink Student Council runs several drives to help needy families in our community.  From collecting socks, hats, gloves, and scarves to running Penny Wars competitions, our Student Council is the best!


    Hello Aronimink Families!!! It is time for our annual Student Council Food Drive to support the Upper Darby Food Bank. The food we collect goes directly to families in our community. Suggestions for donations are listed by grade below. However, all non-perishable food items are welcome.


    Kindergarten- Cereal

    First Grade- Oatmeal and Pasta

    Second Grade- Boxed Potatoes and Rice

    Third Grade- Boxed Stuffing and Boxed Cornbread

    Fourth Grade- Boxed Mac-N-Cheese and Boxed Dessert

    Fifth Grade- Canned Soup, Vegetables and Cranberry


    We thank you in advance for your support! Students may bring the items to their classrooms, and a student council member will collect them