UDHS Boys' Indoor Track Team 2022-23

In the Schedule tab, click on the "Details" section for individual meets to display directions and more information.
UDHS Boys' indoor track, throwers meet at Germantown Academy (2.8.23)

Results Germantown Academy Boys' Shot Put (2.8.23)
Results Germantown Academy Boys' Shot Put (2.8.23)
Place Name Team Year Mark H# Points 5 Ahmad Dixon Upper Darby 12 40-02.00 2 4 9 Tyler Biddle Upper Darby 11 35-11.00 2 4 13 Barby Clay Upper Darby 10 31-08.50 1 16 Khalid Doulat Upper Darby 12 28-07.50 1 21 Sahil Toora Upper Darby 12 18-09.00 1 -
(Results) Thrower's Meet @ Germantown Academy (1.25.23)
Germantown Academy, Shot Put Invite #1 (2023)
January 25, 2023
Germantown Academy
Fort Washington, PA -
Weekly Schedule (1/2-8)
Day Time Mon 9:00 am - 11:00 am Tue 6:15 am -7:15 am (lift) 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm Wed 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm Thu 6:15 am -7:15 am (lift) 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm Fri 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm Sat League Meet - Bus at 10:00 am (Meet starts at 12:30 pm) Sun Ursinus Invite - Bus at 7:15 am (Meet starts at 9:30 am) -
Ursinus High School Opener Results & Photos (12.3.22)
Twenty-four Royals competed at the Ursinus High School Opener
Ursinus High School Opener 12.3.22 (Results)
Weekly Newsletter (12/19-23)
Weekly Information
Happy Sunday!
We had a solid end to this week's training at the meet. Some newbies got on the track for the first time, some gentlemen returned to the track, and others stepped up and threw down! The highlight from the meet was when Elijiah Celestin and Max Gilbert both ran great races in the 4x800 and then returned for the 4x400 about 40 minutes later running solid times. Kamaldeen Adgebite qualified for the Meet of Champions in the 60 dash, joined by Abdoulaye Sangare in the 60 HH. Andre Henneghan is already qualified in the 60 dash.
This week's weather looks a little different than last week - the average temps are in the mid-40's. We will continue to practice outside as much as possible - make sure you are dressed warmly and in layers. You need sweats, sweatshirt, wind jacket and hat and gloves. Also, remember to bring water - too many of you are forgetting this.
There is an early out on Wednesday. We will discuss this Practice at practice on Monday.
We race Thursday afternoon this week and again next Thursday during the break. Please make sure you fill out the Meet Availability form below!
The ineligibility form ran on Friday. Check your grades on HAC! I will have the Grade verification sheets in my classroom - Stop by 106 before 1st block to get one. You have your teachers sign the form with your current grade - that is HOPEFULLY higher than what was on the ineligibility form. If your grades are not up, you will not be able to practice or compete during break. If you are failing 2 classes - you could be intelligible. If you are a senior and only have two classes, you need to be passing both. PLEASE CHECK YOUR EMAIL on MONDAY morning for a message from Bierling.
Thursday's meet
We are at Lehigh University this Thursday. The bus leaves from the back at 12:00. Not everyone will be going to the meet. The meet lineup will be posted on Tuesday on Schoology. Per league rules, no food is allowed to be eaten in the track area (there is a lunch/food area). Also, no radios are permitted in the facility, and no headphones are permitted on the track or infield. Athletes are encouraged to bring a blanket and schoolwork to complete while waiting for the meet to conclude. Remember - If you are leaving with a parent, a written note must be given to Coach Bierling. The meet starts at 3:00. I anticipate it will be over around 7:30 and we will be back at UD by 9:00 p.m.
Practice during Break:
We will practice during break. The schedule is below.
Let's have a wonderful week of training! Get your homework done! & I'll see everyone tomorrow.
Coach Bierling
- Layer Up! Remember your hat/gloves/layers
- Remember to bring water!
- Check your email! What emails are you missing from the coaches or your teachers?
- Ask for help when you need it! The Coaches are all teachers - we can help or point you in the right direction.
- Going to be absent from practice? Fill out the Absent/Late form!
- Be honest with how you are feeling - aches, pains? tell the coaches.
- Ill? Stay home from practice - we don't need to share germs.
- Read through, and scroll all the way to the bottom...
The word for this week is….Accountability - Are you holding yourself accountable for your schoolwork? training? responsibilities? actions?
Weekly Newsletter (12/12-17)
Happy Sunday! Please read through ALL of the information below.
Last week's observations still apply....these are all things you can do to make yourself a better athlete and better member of the team.
- If you are missing practice for some reason, you need to fill out the absent/late/conflict form found on Schoology. You can also send Coach B a Remind. Do not tell your friend to tell the coaches. IF YOU DO NOT FILL OUT THE ABSENT/LATE FORM or REMIND it will be considered unexcused.
- You need to dress in layers. No one should be coming out in just a tee shirt and sweat pants. Bring the layers - including a hat and gloves - every day. If you need them you have them; if you don't need them, they can stay in your locker.
- You need to bring water with you every day - bring a refillable water bottle and use the bottle filler outside of the weight room. One 16 oz plastic bottle isn't enough water for what you do in practice.
- You need to eat breakfast and lunch. If you don't like the school lunches, pack a lunch. Grab some granola bars to have in your bag. Your body needs to be fueled to operate properly.
- Everyone (runners and throwers) should be doing the Shin Splint prevention work at home nightly. And you need to have running shoes - not "look good shoes". Your foot needs the proper support for the work you are doing - without it you could face injuries.
The ineligibility form ran on Friday. Check your grades on HAC! I will have the Grade verification sheets in my classroom - Stop by 106 before 1st block to get one. You have your teachers sign the form with your current grade - that is HOPEFULLY higher than what was on the ineligibility form.
Saturday's meet
We are at Lehigh University this Saturday. Bus leaves from the back at 6:00 am. Not everyone will be going to the meet. Meet lineup will be posted on Wednesday on Schoology. Per league rules, no food is allowed to be eaten in the track area (there is a lunch/food area). Also, no radios are permitted in the facility, and no headphones are permitted on the track or infield. Athletes are encouraged to bring a blanket and schoolwork to complete while waiting for the meet to conclude. Remember - If you are leaving with a parent, a written note must be given to Coach Bierling.
Coach Bierling
- Stay hydrated and fuel your body
- Wear the proper shoes and dress appropriately
- Remember what you've done now will pay off later.
- Check your school email and Schoology! What emails are you missing from the coaches or your teachers?
- Ask for help when you need it!
- Read through, and scroll all the way to the bottom...
The word for this week is...Trust
Weekly Newsletter (12/5-9)
Weekly Newsletter
Good afternoon!
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Believe it or not, we are about 4 weeks into the new marking period already! How are you doing? Keeping up with your work? If you are having trouble, have you reached out to your teachers for help? Asking for help can be hard - but it is better to ask now, while we are early enough in the marking period to make sure your grades are solid going into the Spring Season! Remember, March is going to come faster than you think!
This week looks to be colder than last week - it is important that you have the right clothing on when you are going out - make sure you are packing the proper clothes for practice. You need to bring (at least)
- sneakers
- sweat pants
- sweatshirt
- short sleeve shirt
- long sleeve shirt
- windbreaker/jacket
- knit hat
- knit gloves
- extra socks
Also, remember - running sneakers/trainers are not "look good shoes"! If you haven't had new trainers in a while, if the tread is worn down on the bottom, if you can see where the cushioning is compressing, if you can bend the toe all the way back to the heel - you probably need new ones! The Running Place, on West Chester Pike in Newtown Square, will give you a discount if you mention you are on the team. Byrn Mawr Running in Media will sometimes do that too. John's Sneaks in Ardmore has great buys on sneakers too - he has great discounts on last year's colors and models. If you know the shoe you like, Kohl's, Burlington, Ross, etc. sometimes have good buys but remember you need a RUNNING SNEAKER, not a basketball or "look good" shoe.
Parents' Meeting
There will be a parents' meeting (Zoom)
Date: 12.7.22 (Wednesday)
Time: 7:30 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
72786595654?pwd= eLQ1kiUaiMj2Zk5glnwUKO7M3riEUi .1 Meeting ID: 727 8659 5654
Passcode: 40XUvR
Next Meet
We travel to Lehigh University this Saturday (12/10/22) for the first TFCofGP league meet.
The bus will leave at 6:00 am. We will stop at Wawa on the way to the facility.
The meet starts at 8:30 am and spectators are permitted.
We should be on our way home by 2:00 pm.
There is a limit on the number of athletes who can compete at the league meets - generally 1 per event, plus one relay entry per team.
This is due to the time limitations placed on the league by the university.
Attendance at practice, attitude, and ability are considered when creating the lineup - this week's lineup will be posted on Thursday.
The word for this week is…Commitment - are you committed to bettering yourself academically? athletically? spiritually?
Be Safe
Coach Bierling
Week of 12/5 - 9
- Monday 3:00 - 5:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Tuesday 6:15 - 7:15 am - Weight Room. (Enter through the weight room doors)
- Tuesday 3:00 - 5:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Wednesday 3:00 - 5:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Thursday 6:15 - 7:15 am - Weight Room. (Enter through the weight room doors)
- Thursday 3:00 - 5:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Friday 3:00 - 5:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Saturday 6:00am - 2:00pm Lehigh University first TFC of GP league meet
Week of 11/28 - 12/3
- Monday 3:00 - 4:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Tuesday 6:00 - 7:15 am - Weight Room. (Enter through the weight room doors)
- Tuesday 3:00 - 5:00 pm - AUX GYM
- Wednesday 3:00 - 4:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Thursday 6:00 - 7:15 am - Weight Room. (Enter through the weight room doors)
- Thursday 3:00 - 5:00 pm - AUX GYM
- Friday 11:30 - 1:30 pm - AUX GYM (early dismissal)
- Saturday - 1st Invitational - at Ursinus College (not everyone is going)
Remember, if you are a transfer to UD, make sure you stop by the AD's office to talk about additional steps you may have to take to compete. Also, a reminder - you need to have at least 2 courses on your roster (including DCCC courses) to be able to compete! -
Weekly Newsletter (11/28-12/3)
Week of 11/28 -
- Monday 3:00 - 4:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Tuesday 6:00 - 7:15 am - Weight Room. (Enter through the weight room doors)
- Tuesday 3:00 - 5:00 pm - AUX GYM
- Wednesday 3:00 - 4:30 pm - AUX GYM
- Thursday 6:00 - 7:15 am - Weight Room. (Enter through the weight room doors)
- Thursday 3:00 - 5:00 pm - AUX GYM
- Friday 3:00 - 5:00 pm - AUX GYM
- Saturday 1st Invitational - at Ursinus College (not everyone is going)
Weekly Newsletter (11/21-23)
Weekly Newsletter
Welcome to the first official week of the season! We had a wonderful session on Friday and will continue to work on the basics of mechanics this week. It will be very important that you are prompt to practice and that you are quick in/out of the locker room. It is also important to make sure you have packed enough layers for practice - you need AT LEAST:
- Shorts/ tee shirt
- sweatpants
- sweatshirt
- jacket
- hat
- gloves
- running sneakers
The ultimate goal is to keep everyone motivated and positive as you progress through the season. Indoor Track, sometimes called Winter Track, is a long season (11/18 - the beginning of March), and we have to stay focused.
Here is our schedule for this week - 11/21-11/23:
- Monday - 3:00 - 5:00 pm - AUX GYM
- Tuesday 6:00 - 7:15 am - Weight Room. (Enter through the weight room doors)
- Tuesday 3:00 - 5:00 pm - AUX GYM
- Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00 pm - AUX GYM
- Thursday- Sunday, Happy Thanksgiving Break!
Remember, if you are a transfer to UD, make sure you stop by the AD's office to talk about additional steps you may have to take to compete. Also, a reminder - you need to have at least 2 courses on your roster (including DCCC courses) to be able to compete!Remember, you have to prepare your body for practice.
You have to make sure you are eating breakfast and lunch - pack a sandwich! Bring some cereal bars.
You need to hydrate - make sure you are drinking water throughout the day.
You should invest in a refillable water bottle that you will bring with you to every practice.
Be Safe and see you Monday,
Coach Bierling
Even if you completed FamilyID for the Fall, you must UPDATE FamilyID for the Winter.
Your FamilyID account must be checked and approved by the Athletic Office before any athlete is permitted to practice.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Athletic office
(610) 622-7000, ext. 2372