Eligibility For Special Education

  • Upper Darby School District assesses the needs of all students on a regular basis and provides early intervening services using scientifically resource-based interventions to address identified needs.  However, the parent or the District may decide that a child is in need of a multidisciplinary evaluation to determine if the child qualifies for Special Education and Related Services.


    In order for a student to receive special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), the student must be within a specified age range and meet the definition of one or more of the identified disability categories.

Disabilities Identified Under IDEA

    • Autism
    • Deaf-Blindness
    • Deafness
    • Emotional Disturbance
    • Hearing Impaired
    • Intellectual Disability
    • Multiple Disabilities
    • Orthopedic Impairment
    • Other Health Impaired
    • Specific Learning Disability
    • Speech or Language Impairment
    • Traumatic Brain Injury
    • Visual Impairment, including Blindness

    An initial evaluation must be conducted within 60 calendar days from the receipt of parental consent for the evaluation.


    A child’s reevaluation may occur not more than once a year, unless the parent and District agree otherwise.


    A child’s reevaluation must occur at least every 3 years, unless the child’s disability is Intellectual Disability when the reevaluation must be conducted at least every 2 years.   If the Parent and the District agree that a reevaluation is unnecessary, a Reevaluation Waiver will be issued.  A Waiver is not permitted for students with Intellectual Disability.

Independent Educational Evaluations

  • The district provides for Independent Educational Evaluations in accordance with Pennsylvania Chapter 14, Special Education Regulations. Building principals inform the Director of Special Education of parental request for an IEE. State guidelines are followed in a timely manner to process the request for an IEE and respond according to state mandates. A list of independent evaluators/providers is attached, and is updated regularly.


    As a matter of professional practice, all pertinent information obtained through any legitimate source, including IEE or other information provided by the parent(s) is considered by the team both in determining the eligibility and in designing appropriate programs for eligible students.


    The Upper Darby School District considers assessment information an essential tool in meeting the needs of students. The Upper Darby School District welcomes additional diagnostic information provided by qualified professionals and believes this will support and enhance the district’s evaluation services. Toward that end UDSD will rarely deny a request for an IEE as this is an opportunity to work cooperatively with parents. IEE reports are usually attached to existing ERs as addenda and circulated to the evaluation team, as well as shared with IEP team members. Independent evaluators are welcome to participate in IEP team meetings, upon request by parents.

Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Procedures

  • Upper Darby School District Procedures for the Evaluation of Students Identified as Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, or Whose Primary or Home Language is Other than English


    In evaluating culturally and linguistically diverse students, the Upper Darby School District utilizes a comprehensive approach for determining the instructional needs of each student and possible eligibility for special education. The district also provides for translation of all documents and interpreter services, as needed, in order to assure parent participation in, and understanding of the evaluation process. All state and federal special education regulations are in place.