How to Submit a Public Comment

  • The School Board of Directors seeks input from Upper Darby School District residents and recognizes the value to school governance of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in Board meetings. The Board also recognizes its responsibility for proper governance of the district and the need to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner. Policy 903 Public Participation in Board Meetings outlines guidelines for public comments during regular Board meetings and Committee meetings.

Commenting In-Person at Meetings

  • All individuals wishing to participate in a public Board meeting through providing public comment, shall register their intent with the Board Secretary on a sign-in sheet in advance of the meeting and shall include the name and address of the participant.


    Participants must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name, address, and group affiliation if applicable. Only residents, taxpayers of the School District and School District Association Presidents may address the Board.


    No participant may speak more than once on the same topic, unless all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard.


    All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer; no participant may address or question Board members individually.


    We will follow our three (3) minute time limit for general comments, but we will make sure full comments are included in the record.


    As a reminder, Board meetings are comment-only whereas Committee meetings are more of a question and answer format. 

How to Submit a Comment Virtually

  • To provide for public comment during the Board and Committee meetings held virtually, the Board has established email addresses and a phone number at which residents may leave a voicemail that will allow the Board to receive public.


    The email address and phone number for the regular Board meetings are as follows:

    610 789 7200, ext. 2000


    The email address and phone number for the Committee meetings are as follows:

    610 789 7200, ext. 2000


    As with any public items offered during Board meetings, your email or phoned-in comment must include your full name and residential address. Under these new virtual procedures, we are also asking that you include which board report you are commenting on or if you are submitting a general comment. Only board report and general comments that include a full name and address will be read into the record. Please review the meeting agenda via BoardDocs prior to the meeting if you would like to provide comment on any specific Board report(s). Click HERE to access BoardDocs for the meeting agendas.


    Opportunities for public comment will be provided at the conclusion of each board report respectively and at the conclusion of the board meeting. The board will consider public comments respective to each board report prior to the board taking action on a board report (i.e. Personnel, Curriculum and Instruction, Facilities, etc.). To be clear, all comments for a board report must be received by the end of that board report. These comments will be read at the conclusion of the respective board report.


    General comments must be received no later than 7:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting.  General comments will be read at the end of the Board meeting. We will follow our three (3) minute time limit for general comments, but we will make sure full comments are included in the record. In order to have your comment considered by the Board at the meeting, we advise that you submit your comment prior to the meeting.


    As a reminder, Board meetings are comment-only whereas Committee meetings are more of a question and answer format.