What Happens If You Illegally Pass a Stopped School Bus?

  • All school buses that transport Upper Darby School District students are equipped with automated photo enforcement cameras on the side of school buses to capture violations and vehicle license plate numbers. 


    The violation is reviewed by law enforcement. Once approved, a notice of violation is sent to the registered vehicle owner by mail. 


    In Pennsylvania, a first-time stop-arm violation witnessed by a camera carries a fine of $300 and no license points. 


    In addition to the financial deterrent, violators learn about the potential dangers of their actions. Offenders can call the program's toll-free number at 1-800-852-7741 and speak with a representative who can review the video evidence and help them understand the dangers of illegal passing. Services are offered in both English and Spanish.


    Data from other safety programs demonstrates that 98% of first-time offenders do not receive a second ticket, and 95% of drivers do not contest their ticket after seeing video evidence of their violation.



  • If you are convicted of violating Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law, you will receive all the following penalties:


    • 60-Day Driver’s License Suspension
    • Five (5) points on your driving record
    • $250 Fine

    The penalties listed above apply when passing a school bus that is not equipped with a side stop signal arm enforcement system. If you are issued a violation for passing a school bus equipped with a side stop signal arm enforcement system, you will receive a $300 fine if found liable. For more information about the school bus stopping law and to see photo examples, visit www.dmv.pa.gov.


  • Phone Access:


    To speak to a representative about a stop-arm violation, contact the AlertBus Customer Contact Center toll-free support line at 1-800-852-7741. 


    • The Contact Center is available Monday - Friday (8 am – 5 pm)

      • English and Spanish-speaking customer service agents are available to address your inquiries.

      • To expedite our service, please have your citation number ready when you call. 


    Online Access:


    To view the violation video evidence online or to pay a violation by credit card, visit www.alertbus.com and enter your citation number (example: PA-777777) and vehicle license plate number (no dashes or spaces), as listed on your citation.