Flexible Instructional Day (FID)

  • The FID Program was established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) in 2019. It allows public schools to deliver an alternative method of instruction in the event instruction cannot be delivered in its traditional manner or location.


    Here are a few important details about the plan: 


    • School Districts can use up to five FIDs per school year. 
    • The use of an FID by one school counts against the five for the District.
    • An FID application must be completed every three years. The current plan for the Upper Darby school district is valid from July 2024 - June 2027.
    • An FID plan must be board approved. The Upper Darby School District's plan was adopted and approved in July 2024 by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

    For more information visit: PDE Flexible Instructional Plan Information

Upper Darby Flexible Instructional Day (FID) Program Details

  • In the event an FID day needs to be implemented, the following steps will be followed throughout the school district:


    1. Communication from the district indicating the emergency closing and the need to implement an FID day. 

    2. Students in grades K-12 will use their district issued Chromebook and the district Learning Management System (LMS), Schoology. 

    3. Students will utilize Google Meet for synchronous instruction.

    4. Lessons will use both synchronous and asynchronous modes to engage students in learning throughout the FID day.  

    5. Students will follow their daily schedule for the FID day.

UDSD Contingency or Backup Plan

  • For successful implementation of an FID day, the following must occur. 


    1. Students must bring their charged device home each afternoon. 
      • Anticipate that FID days will be used in place of snow days.

    1. Students must use their district-issued computer during an FID instructional day. 

    2. All assignments and materials will be assigned through Schoology by the student's assigned teacher through their individual Schoology courses. All assignments are due when indicated by the teacher but no later than the end of the school day.