Equitable Public School Funding Advocacy

  • Upper Darby School District continues in its advocacy for fair, equitable and sustainable public school funding.  District Administration, the School Board of Directors and teachers and staff strongly believe that all students, regardless of race, national origin, ability, family income or the community where they live, will have equal opportunity for success.


    Located eight miles from Philadelphia, PA, Upper Darby School District is a very densely populated community that is beautifully diverse. The rich diversity is evident within and among our  13 schools. Upper Darby School District provides education to close to 12,500 students from about 90 different birth countries and represents over 100 different home languages. The District provides special education services to over 2,300 students and English Learner support services to approximately 2,100 students. Upper Darby School District requires adequate funding to meet the ever-changing and diverse needs of all of its students.


    Costs for educating students in public schools in Pennsylvania have been steadily rising. Expenditures for basic education, special education, early education, and career and technical education. Public schools are funded through a combination of local, state, and federal dollars, with state funding being the primary mechanism for eliminating funding disparities across school districts.

UDSD's Advocacy Efforts
