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Building Equity Leadership Teams
Each school in our District has a Building Equity Leadership Team. The Building Equity Leadership Teams help educators dismantle disparities through sustained, collaborative efforts and courageous leadership. Developed and implemented nationally by Gary Howard, the Deep Equity program addresses the dynamics of power and privilege in a safe, engaging, and inspiring environment in which all educators are honored and valued as professionals. By engaging in the program, teachers and their colleagues will learn to dismantle educational disparities through their own sustained, collaborative efforts and courageous leadership within their buildings.
This program helps educators dismantle disparities through sustained, collaborative efforts and courageous leadership. Developed and implemented nationally by Gary Howard, the Deep Equity program addresses the dynamics of power and privilege in a safe, engaging, and inspiring environment in which all educators are honored and valued as professionals. By engaging in the program, teachers learn to dismantle educational disparities through your own sustained, collaborative efforts and courageous leadership.
Through a capacity-building, train-the-trainer model, the Deep Equity program empowers school teams to lead equity efforts at the building and classroom level. The Building Equity Leadership Team members provide ongoing equity training for their respective schools.
Provide ongoing equity training for their respective schools, each school in our district has a Building Equity Leadership Team.
- Teams of at least 5 educators from each school in the district, including the principal, attend School Leadership Facilitator Training over the course of two (2) years
- The School Leadership Team use the foundational content knowledge acquired through their training sessions and the We Can’t Lead Where We Won’t Go leadership manual to lead school reform by engaging the rest of their school colleagues, faculty, and staff in cultural competence and PD activities over 3-5 years
- The Deep Equity program evaluation component helps the district track professional growth and student outcome data related to the implementation of the work
No one understands the needs of your students better than the educators in each school. The Deep Equity program gives educators the process, protocols, language, and tools to engage in courageous, authentic, measurable, sustainable equity work that produces results. - Corwin, 2012.