Pupil Services
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- Meet the Pupil Services Team
- Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth Program
- Forms & Documents
- Health Services
- Parent Resources
- Head Start & Early Head Start
- K-12 Voluntary Accident Insurance
- 2023 PAYS - Pennsylvania Youth Survey
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Bullying/Cyber Bullying Policy
- Required Annual Notices
- School-based Mental Health Support
- Student Assistance Program
- Student Attendance
- Students and Families Experiencing Homelessness
- McKinney Vento Assistance Act
- Act 1 of 2022-Assisting Students Experiencing Education Instability
- Triennial Wellness Assessment 2023
- Wellness Committee
P.E. Excusal Procedure
The parent/guardian must write an excuse note to the gym teacher for any short-term medical reason. Any student in need of an extended medical excuse for gym must present a physician's note to the School Nurse. In order to resume gym class after an extended excusal, a second physician's note is required.
Should your child require medication during the school day, a Medication Administration Form is necessary for each new school year. Please consult your child's health care provider and have him/her complete the Medication Form. Parents and guardians must also sign the form and bring it to your child's school nurse, along with your child's medication.
Field Trip Medical Procedure
Emergency medications are permitted on a field trips or extra-curricular activities when all medication procedures per the school district's in-school medication policy are followed. Field trip medication and the Medication Form must be in the nurse's office at least 5 days prior to the trip.
Medical Bus Information
A request for transportation for medical reasons must be submitted to the School Nurse by the parent/guardian with a physician's note or letter. The letter should include: student's name, date of birth, diagnosis, and length of time medical busing will be needed. Medical busing will not be considered if any pertinent information is missing. A new physician's note and new busing approval is needed for each new school year. Please download the Medical Bus form here.