P.E. Excusal Procedure

  • The parent/guardian must write an excuse note to the gym teacher for any short-term medical reason. Any student in need of an extended medical excuse for gym must present a physician's note to the School Nurse. In order to resume gym class after an extended excusal, a second physician's note is required.


  • Should your child require medication during the school day, a Medication Administration Form is necessary for each new school year. Please consult your child's health care provider and have him/her complete the Medication Form. Parents and guardians must also sign the form and bring it to your child's school nurse, along with your child's medication.

Field Trip Medical Procedure

  • Emergency medications are permitted on a field trips or extra-curricular activities when all medication procedures per the school district's in-school medication policy are followed. Field trip medication and the Medication Form must be in the nurse's office at least 5 days prior to the trip.

Medical Bus Information

  • A request for transportation for medical reasons must be submitted to the School Nurse by the parent/guardian with a physician's note or letter. The letter should include: student's name, date of birth, diagnosis, and length of time medical busing will be needed. Medical busing will not be considered if any pertinent information is missing. A new physician's note and new busing approval is needed for each new school year.  Please download the Medical Bus form here.