Psychological Services

  • The primary role of the School Psychologist is to provide specialized evaluations and re-evaluations of thought-to-be exceptional and identified exceptional students experiencing or who have experienced problems in educational development.


    The School Psychologist is part of the Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team that plans for students who are exhibiting problems and who are currently in a regular education classroom setting. The Response to Intervention and Instruction Program (RTII) provides the benchmark data as well as the progress monitoring information that serves as a pre-referral process to the Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team. The School Psychologist is a member of the Literacy Team monitoring student data in order to identify children who are at-risk for academic difficulties and require an evaluation.


    The major functions of the School Psychologist are listed below:


    • Develop and implement a comprehensive system of services to facilitate the attainment of instructional goals.
    • Help school personnel and parents understand and remediate the learning problems of referred students.
    • Administer psychological, educational, and other assessment procedures.
    • Interpret assessment results.
    • Obtain, integrate and interpret information about child behavior and other conditions related to learning.
    • Consult with staff members in planning school programs to meet the special needs of children as indicated by psychological tests, interviews, and behavioral evaluations.
    • Serve on Response to Intervention and Instruction (RTII) related teams in order to review universal, benchmark, and progress monitoring data for the school and for individual students.
    • Serve as a member of the Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team as required by the Special Education Standards and Regulations.
    • Contribute important information about child development to District-wide committees such as the District Testing Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, District School Improvement Committee, and District School Climate Committee.